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Showing posts from February 12, 2011

Medicinal Plants 20

(Gycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Sinonim :Solanum lycopersicum L. Familia :Solanaceae Tomatoes originated from tropical America, grown as fruit crops in fields, yards, or found wild at an altitude of 1-1600 m above sea level. These plants can not stand the rain, scorching sun, and prefer loose soil and fertile. Herb this year to grow upright or leaning on other plants, height of 0.5 - 2, 5 m, much branched, hairy, and strong smelling. Stem round, thickened on its books, it's green haired rough whitish. The compound leaves are pinnate, alternate location, shape bundartelursampai elongated, pointed tip, base rounded, large pieces of leaf grooved edges, smaller strands of jagged edges, the length of 10-40 cm, light green color. Compound interest, gathered in a series of bunches, stemmed, star-shaped crown, the color yellow. Buni fruit fruit, fleshy, thin skin sleek, vary in shape and size, the color yellow or red. Seeds many, compressed, yellow-brown color. Tomato fruit can be eat...

Medicinal Plants 19

(Nelumbium nelumbo Druce) Sinonim := Nelumbiurn nuciferum, Gaertn. = N. speciosum, Wilid. = Nelumbo nucifera, Gaertn. = Nyrnphaea nelumbo, Linn. Familia :Nymphaeaceae Chronic aquatic plants are beautiful, native of mainland Asia. Lotus cultivated in the waters and ponds, sometimes found growing wild in the swamp. Aquatic plants that grow upright. Rhizome thick, scaly, growing creeper. Leaves and flowers come out directly from the bound rimpangnya mud at the bottom of the pond. Leaf blade width and round, supported by a long stalk and round in diameter from 0.5 to 1 cm, 75-150 cm in length. Leaves poking above the surface of water, towering up like a shield. Waxy leaf surface; whitish green color, flat edge, the center rather mencekung, bones scattered leaves from the center toward the edge of the leaves, 30-50 cm diameter. The flowers are fragrant, grows towering above the water surface with a long stalk round and robust, 75-200 cm long flower stalks. Flowers 15-25 cm diameter...

Medicinal Plants 18

(Carica papaya, Linn.) Familia : Cariccaceae Papaya (carica papaya) is a trunked plants erect and wet. Papaya resemble palms, white flowers and ripe fruit is reddish yellow, tastes like a melon. Papaya tree height can reach 8 to 10 meters with a strong root. Strand leaves resemble human hands. If the leaves of papaya are folded in half exactly in the middle, would appear that papaya leaves are symmetrical. Cavity within the star-shaped papaya fruit if dipoting cross-sectional. This plant is also cultivated widely in gardens because of the fresh fruit and nutritious. Curable Disease: Kidney stones, hypertension, malaria, vaginal discharge pain, lack of breastfeeding; rheumatic, malnutrition, urinary tract disorders, excessive menstruation, abdominal pain during menstruation, dysentery, diarrhea, acne, gray; How to use : 1. Kidney Stone (niersteen = Netherlands) Ingredients: 7 pieces of papaya leaf How to create and use: Using a formula of 3-5-7 plus, meaning: ...

Medicinal Plants 17

(Impatiens balsamina Linn.) Sinonim :Impatiens cornuta, Linn. Impatiens hortensis, Desf. Impatiens mutila, D.C. I.triflora Blanco Balsamina mutila, DC. Familia :Balsaminaceae Trunked form of wet herb, branched, with a single leaf, the shape of elongated lancet edge serrated leaf color hijair young without leverage. Brightly colored flowers, there are several kinds of colors, like red, orange, purple, white, etc.., there is the "ankle" and there is a "double". Kendaga fruit fruit, when ripe will open up into 5 parts are twisted. Usually planted as an ornamental plant with a height of 30 80 cm. Curable Disease: menstruation, gastrointestinal cancer, swelling, rheumatic, Boils, snake bites, skin , Whitish, bone fractures, pain, Anti-inflammatory, foreign body stuck in the throat; Seed: menstruation (Emenagog), facilitate childbirth (Parturifasien), upper digestive tract cancer. Use 30-10 gr, for cancer: 15 - 60 grams, boiled. Flowers: peluruh menstruation, preg...

Medicinal Plants 16

(Citrus hystrix D.C.) Sinonim :C. paeda Miq. Familia :rutaceae. Many people planted in the garden in the yard or garden. The leaves are compound pinnate leaves bear a single leaf. Petiole widened partly resembles the child leaves. Strands of child-shaped leaves ovate to oblong, base rounded or blunt, blunt to the tapered tip, edge beringgit, length 8 -15 cm, width 2-6 cm, both surfaces smooth with small colored dots clear spots, upper surface dark green color rather glossy, lower surface light green or yellowish green, opaque, if squeezed fragrance. The flowers are star shaped, white, reddish or yellowish white. Fruit shape is oval, green skin is wrinkled, berbenjolbenjol, somewhat sour taste bitter. Lime is often used in cooking, baking, or made sweets. Lime can be propagated by grafting and seed Curable Disease: Lime leaves potent stimulant and tonic. My lit stimultan nutritious fruit, distinctive aromatic smell, taste a bit salty, brown, and eventually a little bitter. Fruit...

Medicinal Plants 15

(Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle.) Familia :Rutaceae Orange juice (citrusaurantifolia) including one type of citrus Geruk. Orange juice including clump plant type that has many branches and twigs. Woody trunk resilient and hard. Medium dark colored outer skin surface and dull. Lime plant at age 2 1 / 2 years has begun to bear fruit. The flowers are small and white-colored small round-shaped fruit of colored ping-pong ball (outer skin), green or yellowish. The fruit of old lime sour taste. Citrus plants generally like places that can get direct sunlight. 1. Terms Grows a. Climate · Elevation: 200 m - 1300 m above sea level · Annual rainfall: 1,000 mm - 1500 mm / years · Month wet (above 100 mm / month): 5 months - 12 months · Month dry (below 60 mm / month): 0 months - 6 months · air temperature: 200 C - 300 C ° Humidity: medium - high ° Irradiation: medium. Land · Type: latosol, alluvial, andosol. · Texture: sandy clay · Drainage: good · ground water depth: 40 cm - 170 cm from ground ...

Medicinal Plants 14

(Garcinia mangostana L.) Familia :Clusiaceae (Guttiferae). Trees, evergreen, 60-20 m. high Stems erect, main stem clear, brown bark, a yellow sap. Single leaf, leaves sit opposite or cross dealing, strands, shiny surface, upper surface dark green lower surface light green, elongated elliptical shape, 12-23 x 4.5 to 10 cm, stems 1.5 to 2 cm. 1-3 female flowers at the end of the rod, the structure menggarpu, 5-6 cm diameter. Petal petals leaf, two leaf green outer petals are yellow, 2 of hearts are smaller, red-edged, strongly curved, blunt. The crown consists of 4 leaves of the crown, inverted egg shape, thick fleshy, green, yellow, red edge or nearly all red. Sterile stamens (staminodia) usually in the skein (the group). 4-8 would bear fruit, the stigma of radius 4-6. Fruit depressed spherical, 3.5 to 7 cm diameter, dark purple, with the stigma of sitting (fixed), fixed petal, fruit wall thick, fleshy, purple, with yellow sap. Seeds 1-3, blanketed by a thick membrane watery beans, ...

Medicinal Plants 13

(Vitex trifolia L.) Sinonim :Vitex negundo, Vitex rotundifolia L.f. Familia :Verbanaceae Trees are rarely as a creeping shrub, irregular crown, aromatic, height 1-4 m. Clearly the main stem, bark brown-old, young stems square, much branched. Menjari compound leaves, sit, opposite leaves, the child leaves 1-3, leaves to 2 and 3, sitting, child-stemmed leaf tip less than 0.5 cm, blade ovate-elip elongated oval-round upside down, the largest leaves 49 children , 5 x 1.75 to 3.75 cm, which leaves a 2 to 6.5 x 1.25 to 3.5 cm. Flower arrangement of compound panicle, with the basic structure menggarpu, panicles 3.5 to 24 cm, fork 2 to 6.5 cm, 3-15 flowers, meetings and crowding. High leaf sheath 3 to 4.5 mm. Crown tube 7-8 mm., The diameter of the median segment of the lower lip 4-6 mm. Benan juice tube 4 near the middle of the crown, the length of two. Pistil: 2 rooms would be perfect fruit, perruang 2 parts, sitting in a lateral ovule, pistil stalk; hair, forked tip. Fruit drupa type, ...