(Clerodendrum japonicum [Thunb.] Sweet) Sinonim :C. kaempferi (Jacq.) Sleb., C. paniculatum L., Volkameria japonica Thunb. Familia :Verbenaceae. Generally, pagoda flowers planted in the garden, yard, or on the roadside outside the city region as an ornamental plant. Molt shrub, 1-3 m. high The trunk filled with fine hair. Single leaves, stemmed, where the deal. Strands of egg-shaped leaves broad, base heart-shaped leaves, old leaves bercangap menjari, can reach 30 cm in length. The flowers are red compound interest, consist of small flowers that come together to form the pyramid, out of the end of the shaft. The fruit is round. Flower pagoda can be propagated by seed. Curable Disease: Nature and ussage bitter roots, nature cold. Pagoda flower root efficacious anti-inflammatory, laxative urine (diuretic), eliminating swelling, and destroy the frozen blood. Leaves taste sweet, sour, slightly brown, neutral in character. Leaves efficacious as anti-inflammatory and remove pus. Flowe...
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