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Showing posts from June 8, 2011

Chinese Slimming Tea To Burn Fat And Calories

Strong evidence shows that by drinking Chinese tea you become slimmer by burning fat and calories. Chinese tea is easy to add to your daily routine because all you need to do is just drink it. Works on Metabolism Science has discovered that Chinese green tea has the ability to increase your metabolism and therefore making it easier to burn extra fat. This is done by the catechin polyphenols in green tea reacting with the chemical transmitter in the nervous system, known as norepinephrine, to burn calories faster. It was also discovered that the green tea, having thermogenic properties, does promote fat oxidation beyond what the caffeine in the green tea does. Three Popular Kinds of Tea Due to this positive evidence, Chinese slimming teas are becoming highly popular and are available in the market. These teas are manufactured usually with the combination of traditional Chinese herbs, and are intended for those who wish to lose weight and get slim. A list of the widely purchased Chi...

Do You Have Diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition in which the amount of glucose in the blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly. Glucose comes from the digestion of starchy foods such as bread, rice, and potatoes. Insulin is a vital part of the diabetes fight. It is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas that helps the glucose to enter the cells where it is used as fuel by the body. The main symptoms of diabetes that goes untreated are increased thirst, going to the bathroom all the time, blurred vision and thrust. There are so many people that are dealing with the problem of diabetes. Many times people that are older are finding out that they have it. Over the years of eating incorrectly and the genetic risk factor, they are being faced with the reality that their body is now in danger and they have to change their habits and lifestyle to control it. Many children are being told that they are at risk for getting diabetes as well. Some times these children are younger or older depen...

Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2?

Diabetes is a disorder of the metabolism of carbohydrates in which the body does not produce or correctly use insulin. The hormone, insulin, is produced by beta cells in the pancreas that allows blood sugar to enter the cells where it will be transformed into energy. Untreated diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels. The high blood suger levels gives sympthoms of thearst and sugar in the urine. Diabetes requires medical diagnosis, treatment and often lifestyle changes. There are two main forms of diabetes. These are diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2. More accurate these are not different types of diabetes, as type 1 and and type 2 are two completely different deseases. Type 1 is an autoimmune desease that destroy the insulin producing beta cells, while type 2 are due to insulin resistance by the body. Type 1 always need treatment by insulin but type 2 might be treated in other ways. Type 1 is characterized by damage of the insulin-producing beta cells. This causes the...

Problems and Symptoms in Different Types of Diabetes

There are three different types of diabetes and each category has its own problems and symptoms that are specific to it. The first of these types of diabetes is Type 1, also known as "insulin dependent". This type of diabetes is called Juvenile diabetes because it manifests anytime in the first 30 years of someone's life. This type of diabetes needs to be controlled with the use of insulin, which must be given one or more times each day. Someone that has been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes will have to maintain a strict diet of what they eat and they'll have to monitor their blood levels several times each day so that they know exactly where their blood sugar level is at. If these blood sugar levels aren't carefully monitored and managed kidney damage can occur. Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes include thirst, an increase in urination, urine that seems to have a dark color to it, vision that is blurred, tingling in the feet and hands, and sudden loss of weight. The ...