Sex organs in case you really need to always please the husband / spouse. Here are some traditional herbs to treat your female organs: Vagina narrowing Potio Ingredients: 15 pieces of betel leaf, 3 pieces of leather matchmaker, 3 pieces of gambier and whiting taste. How: Skin torn small nut, gambier finely ground, sifted whiting net. All materials were soaked with 2 liters of water that has been boiled, wait a while until settle and cool slightly. Use to wash the vagina over and over again several times a day. Vaginal scent Potion Ingredients: 25 grams of basil leaves, 5 grams fragrant pandanus, palm sugar 5 grams, 1 gram of salt. How: Basil and pandanus fragrant finely ground together, given 1/2gelas water, squeezed and strained, given the salt, put palm sugar. Stir until blended until the sugar becomes soluble. Taken a few hours after dinner, for 2 weeks. Remedy For Vaginal mat Ingredients: 30 grams of papaya leaf, 20 grams of betel leaves, 1 green chilli, kawak sour taste. ...
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