Herbaceous plants are from tropical Africa that enjoy the open and exposed to direct sunlight. Fractures have a cylindrical-shaped twig pencil round, grooved longitudinal smooth and the color green. The leaves are rare and quickly fall out there on the end of the branch that is still young, small, lancet-shaped with a length of 7-25 mm.
The flowers are arranged in the form of compound interest, such as bowl there at the end of the stem, with a greenish yellow color. The fruit when ripe will burst and throw the seeds. Stalks after growing about 1 inch will be located across two branches, and so on so that it looked like a broken branch. This plant can be found from lowland until height of 600 m above sea level.
Besides being used as medicinal plants, branches and twigs that had been drained when burned to repel mosquitoes. Sap used to poison fish so easily captured, but dangerous when on the eyes because it can cause blindness.
Sap from plants contain a compound fracture euphorbone, taraksasterol, alpha-laktucerol, euphol, resin compound that causes a sharp sense of or damage to the mucous membrane, kautschuk (rubber substance) and bitter substances. The smell of this plant with a weak sense of the original bargain, but over time will cause a sense of thickness on the tongue. While the poisonous sap (toxic).
Curable Disease:
This plant can treat diseases such as stomach pain, rheumatic, syphilitic, nerve pain, skin diseases, leprosy, hemorrhoids, broken bones, toothache, enlarged and itchy moles, warts, pricked sharp objects (glass), calluses / thickening of skin and sprains .
Parts of plants can be used for treatment are the roots, stem wood, branches and sap.
* For the drinking: Roots and twigs are dried then pounded into powder. Mix with rice rice cake until evenly distributed, then made into small pills of lizard eggs and then dry in the sun. Eaten if necessary.
* For external use: herbs as finely ground and then is applied on the sick such as boils, ringworm, sprains, fractures and wounds.
Rubbing the sap of plants of fractures in the skin over a broken bone.
# Leather outer limb fractures finely ground, pin it on a broken bone, then wrapped.
Wash and finely minced 3 / 4 handheld leaf stalks and broken bones, and 1 handful of leaves srigi. Squeeze with 4 tablespoons of salt water and warmed briefly. Use to plaster the broken parts of the body, then wrapped with lily leaf / skin cottonwoods. Change the bandage is 2 times a day.
Thorn skin or exposed broken glass, etc.:
Apply sap of fractures in the body whose skin is pierced by a thorn or affected by broken glass. The sap will issue its own thorns from the skin.
A few drops of resin fracture with a clean cotton then be lubricated with a pain in the teeth and cavities. Do it 1-2 times a day, be careful not until about healthy teeth.
Characteristic plants Broken Bones (Eupharbia tirucalli L.) is not only composed of leaves and stalks that resemble bones. This plant can dikembangbiangkan with the trunk. Despite the cut, these plants can live if placed in the ground. The sap contained Broken Bones proved empirically treat broken bones.
- Euphorbone
- Taraksasterol
- Alaktucerol
- Euphol
- Rubber substance
- Bitter substances.
With the trunk and branches are arranged zigzag transverse irregular, broken, with almost no leaf, this plant looks strange and unique. Because of the unique, more people use it as an ornamental plant. However, there is also a deliberately planted for medicinal plant collection.
Wahono, observers of medicinal plants that live in Pondok Cabe, Tangerang, claimed to know this plant from the parent fracture. "People used to call it urip wood. Because despite having broken off the shaft to take the sap, he can still grow, even up to two meters," he said.
The parts of plants are often used for medicinal bark and sap. Gum fracture in white as milk, containing compounds euphorbone, taraksasterol, alaktucerol, euphol, sharp taste resin, rubber substance, and bitter substances.
Used as boreh to the skin
The ancient healers use a combination of bark and sap of this plant to treat broken bones, as stated in the notes Kloppenburgh Versteegh, a Dutch Indonesian traditional medicine.
How, this plant bark finely ground and mixed with oil, then used as boreh in the skin, broken bones in the area. After that, given the kapok tree bark and wrapped.
Today the use of this plant for the case of a broken bone is not uncommon anymore. Moreover, there is a more modern treatment methods, such as injection pain and installation of plaster.
Giving borehan plant cottonwoods broken bones and skin only for first aid measures. Usually as a pain reliever and antiseptic.
Even so, as revealed Wahono, sap-green stems of plants to heal old wounds such as cut, cut, or hit by flying glass. There is also the use of sap to remove warts, or in medical language is called benign tumors.
"Could also to reduce the itching in a mole and the result is quite good. For warts, of course only effective if the size is still small or start to grow. If it is already large, would no longer effective. In addition, the treatment should also be routine, at least put two times a day, "he said.
Keep away from eyes
One thing to consider when to use it is to avoid direct contact with the sap of the eye. Gum fractures contain harmful toxins. When exposed to the eyes, the sap will cause itching and swelling in the eyelid.
If you already contaminated, as first aid, wash the eyes with boiled water, then immediately consult a doctor. Relief of late it is not impossible to cause blindness.
The use of bone fractures as a medicinal plant had faded some time. However, it does not mean his name immediately sank away.
In various parts of Indonesia, the name of fractures still remain popular. Some call it urip wood, wood susuru, fishing Towo (because of its strange and provoke laughter), or Tikel cockscomb.
Now the prestige of Latin plant called Euphorbia tirucalli Linn was raised again. Close relatives of this ornamental plant Euphorbia milii began bred again.
Euphorbia milii whole stem length and stem full of thorns like a wire, until someone deliberately planted as a living fence in the yard. While stem Euphorbia tirucalli Linn smooth, so that did not fit the house used as a fortress.
Pamor fracture as a favorite ornamental plants also began to rise. If planted in pots mini-sized, can be used as decorating the corners of the room and put on the table.
Unfortunately, the price is relatively expensive because of fractures classified as rare plants.
Oles enough sap
Actually there are not many ways to use the plant commonly called a broken bone or wood urip (Java)
It is suggested if you want to use fractures as a remedy, use the branch is quite old. Branch of the old produce more sap than the young
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