Revered in the Orient for its powerful healing qualities and its culinary uses, Ginger has been in use since ages. A perennial herb, ginger is a greenish yellow rhizome. The botanical name of the spice is Zingiber Officinale. Ginger is been used extensively in the Orient; its benefits covering a spectrum so wide, that it includes the medicinal, culinary as well as aromatherapy fields. A pungent and flavorful spice, ginger is one of the most widely used spices in the East.
Ginger is known to be beneficial to the body in a number of ways. Ginger can be used in its raw as well as dried form. Raw ginger is thermogenic, anti-flatulent, appetiser, digestive and a powerful laxative.
Dried ginger is thermogenic, appetizer, laxative, expectorant, stimulant and effective to cure stomach disorders. Dried and ground ginger is used to cure cold, cough, cholera, nausea ad vomiting, inflammations, diarrhea, colic, flatulence, anorexia, asthma and headaches.
Ginger has extensive uses in aromatherapy as well. Ginger yields an essential oil that is steam distilled from the unpeeled, dried and ground root. Ginger oil is used in combination with sandalwood, cedar wood and patchouli, which renders a
woody-spicy scent to the mixture.
The uses of ginger as a digestive aid can be largely attributed to the presence of gingerols and shogaols, which help neutralise stomach acids, enhance the secretion of digestive juices and tone the muscles of the digestive tract.
The active ingredient in ginger is terpenes and an oleoresin, which is called ginger oil. These active agents are responsible for its antiseptic qualities, lymph-cleansing, circulation-stimulating and mild constipation relief. Research has shown that ginger lowers blood cholesterol by reducing cholesterol absorption in the blood and liver.
Other Ginger health benefits
? Ginger has been known to reduce inflammation of the joints and muscle tissue for people suffering from arthritis or rheumatism. ? Ginger improves blood circulation, hence thought to improve the complexion too. It is also known to have reduced nervousness, ease tendonitis and relieve sore throats. ? Ginger is an effective herbal remedy for all kinds of motion sickness and even morning sickness during pregnancy. A great way to get rid of the uneasy, queasy feeling in the stomach. ? Scientists have found that ginger can block the effects of prostaglandin - a substance that causes inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain, which leads to migraine. ? Many women believe that consuming ginger tea during periods helps minimize menstrual cramps. ? Known for its warming action, ginger is an effective treatment in colds and flu. ? An effective remedy for cramps caused by flatulence, ginger stimulates digestion. ? Ginger is a mood enhancer, the Cineole present in ginger helps provide stress relief. ? It is a great mouth freshener and ginger tea is known for its refreshing properties.
I had an upset stomach the other day and after taking a Pepcid which didn't fix the problem I thought what else do I have that would make my stomach feel better. Then I remembered Ginger Ale. Yeah, Ginger Ale, that always makes my stomach feel better and it's good too.
Then I got to thinking why does ginger ale make me feel better. So after drinking most of the can, I went to the computer and looked up Ginger Ale on
the Internet. Here's what I found:
Ale has been around since 1851 (about 35 years longer than Coca Cola) being first created in Ireland. Then in the 1890s a Canadian by the name of
John McLaughlin, a Pharmacist, started a soda pop business in Toronto. There he mixed carbonated water with fruit juices and flavorings to create different
types of soda pop which was sold at a soda fountain in the business. His version of ginger ale was called McLaughlin Belfast Style Ginger Ale. This Ginger Ale had a rather dark color and a strong flavor.
By the early 1900s, after several refinements to the recipe, McLaughlin improved the Ginger Ale so that it was a much lighter in color and this caused a marked improvment in the extremely sharp taste. This new and improved Ginger Ale was patented by John McLaughlin as Canada Dry Pale Dry Ginger Ale.
Well, it seems there is a challenger for oldest variety of Ginger Ale. That would be a chap by the name of James Vernon, an American in Detroit, Michigan.
Mr. Vernon, who at the age of 15, began working in a drug store and apparently being very bright rose up the ranks, so to speak, eventually sitting for and passing the state's pharmacy boards to be come a pharmacist (I see a pattern here.)
Along the way, Mr. Vernon was also experimenting with the golden colored Ginger Ale which was being imported from Ireland and had become a very popular soft drink through the United States. He too, was experimenting with this dark colored ale to come up with a distinctive flavor of his own.
While there were many others experimenting with Ginger Ale in the state during this time, the Vernon's brand of Ginger Ale while only sold in a limited area of the country seemed to be very popular.
serve we know when it was created, but what is it exactly and why does it make my stomach feel better. It is a blend of sugar, ginger root, lemon juice, yeast and water. Some recipes also include vanilla and an herb called stevia, which is native to Paraguay, is remarkably noncaloric and is extremely sweet.
After a little more investigation I found that ginger root has been known for years to be a valuable drug for disorders of the digestive system (alright here
we go...) It is extremely useful in dyspepsia (upset stomach), colic, vomiting, flatulence, and other pains affecting the stomach and bowels.
I even found a simple recipe for a home remedy which includes:
1/2 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice
1 teaspoon of fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon of fresh mint juice
1 Tablespoon of honey
Mix all the above together and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting, indigestion caused by eating heavy non-vegetarian or fried fatty foods, morning sickness, or jaundice.
Apparently, ginger is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds and when ginger juice is mixed with honey can be taken 3 to 4 times a day for coughs. It is
also an excellent pain killer and ginger juice can be used in the ear to stop an earache or by rubbing dry ginger power with a little water to form a paste
can be applied to the forehead to stop a headache or to the outside of the jaw to stop a toothache (I'm not sure I believe these last two.) Anyway, I'm
getting away from my original topic.
I do think that I have discovered some things about Ginger Ale and why it always makes my stomach feel better when I drink some. By the way, I prefer
Schwepps Ginger Ale which is also caffeine free (actually I think they all are). I have tried several types and brands of Ginger Ale and just prefer the Schwepps better. Besides, unlike some like Vernon's which is only available in certain areas of the country, Schwepps is available everywhere.
Ginger is known to be beneficial to the body in a number of ways. Ginger can be used in its raw as well as dried form. Raw ginger is thermogenic, anti-flatulent, appetiser, digestive and a powerful laxative.
Dried ginger is thermogenic, appetizer, laxative, expectorant, stimulant and effective to cure stomach disorders. Dried and ground ginger is used to cure cold, cough, cholera, nausea ad vomiting, inflammations, diarrhea, colic, flatulence, anorexia, asthma and headaches.
Ginger has extensive uses in aromatherapy as well. Ginger yields an essential oil that is steam distilled from the unpeeled, dried and ground root. Ginger oil is used in combination with sandalwood, cedar wood and patchouli, which renders a
woody-spicy scent to the mixture.
The uses of ginger as a digestive aid can be largely attributed to the presence of gingerols and shogaols, which help neutralise stomach acids, enhance the secretion of digestive juices and tone the muscles of the digestive tract.
The active ingredient in ginger is terpenes and an oleoresin, which is called ginger oil. These active agents are responsible for its antiseptic qualities, lymph-cleansing, circulation-stimulating and mild constipation relief. Research has shown that ginger lowers blood cholesterol by reducing cholesterol absorption in the blood and liver.
Other Ginger health benefits
? Ginger has been known to reduce inflammation of the joints and muscle tissue for people suffering from arthritis or rheumatism. ? Ginger improves blood circulation, hence thought to improve the complexion too. It is also known to have reduced nervousness, ease tendonitis and relieve sore throats. ? Ginger is an effective herbal remedy for all kinds of motion sickness and even morning sickness during pregnancy. A great way to get rid of the uneasy, queasy feeling in the stomach. ? Scientists have found that ginger can block the effects of prostaglandin - a substance that causes inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain, which leads to migraine. ? Many women believe that consuming ginger tea during periods helps minimize menstrual cramps. ? Known for its warming action, ginger is an effective treatment in colds and flu. ? An effective remedy for cramps caused by flatulence, ginger stimulates digestion. ? Ginger is a mood enhancer, the Cineole present in ginger helps provide stress relief. ? It is a great mouth freshener and ginger tea is known for its refreshing properties.
I had an upset stomach the other day and after taking a Pepcid which didn't fix the problem I thought what else do I have that would make my stomach feel better. Then I remembered Ginger Ale. Yeah, Ginger Ale, that always makes my stomach feel better and it's good too.
Then I got to thinking why does ginger ale make me feel better. So after drinking most of the can, I went to the computer and looked up Ginger Ale on
the Internet. Here's what I found:
Ale has been around since 1851 (about 35 years longer than Coca Cola) being first created in Ireland. Then in the 1890s a Canadian by the name of
John McLaughlin, a Pharmacist, started a soda pop business in Toronto. There he mixed carbonated water with fruit juices and flavorings to create different
types of soda pop which was sold at a soda fountain in the business. His version of ginger ale was called McLaughlin Belfast Style Ginger Ale. This Ginger Ale had a rather dark color and a strong flavor.
By the early 1900s, after several refinements to the recipe, McLaughlin improved the Ginger Ale so that it was a much lighter in color and this caused a marked improvment in the extremely sharp taste. This new and improved Ginger Ale was patented by John McLaughlin as Canada Dry Pale Dry Ginger Ale.
Well, it seems there is a challenger for oldest variety of Ginger Ale. That would be a chap by the name of James Vernon, an American in Detroit, Michigan.
Mr. Vernon, who at the age of 15, began working in a drug store and apparently being very bright rose up the ranks, so to speak, eventually sitting for and passing the state's pharmacy boards to be come a pharmacist (I see a pattern here.)
Along the way, Mr. Vernon was also experimenting with the golden colored Ginger Ale which was being imported from Ireland and had become a very popular soft drink through the United States. He too, was experimenting with this dark colored ale to come up with a distinctive flavor of his own.
While there were many others experimenting with Ginger Ale in the state during this time, the Vernon's brand of Ginger Ale while only sold in a limited area of the country seemed to be very popular.
serve we know when it was created, but what is it exactly and why does it make my stomach feel better. It is a blend of sugar, ginger root, lemon juice, yeast and water. Some recipes also include vanilla and an herb called stevia, which is native to Paraguay, is remarkably noncaloric and is extremely sweet.
After a little more investigation I found that ginger root has been known for years to be a valuable drug for disorders of the digestive system (alright here
we go...) It is extremely useful in dyspepsia (upset stomach), colic, vomiting, flatulence, and other pains affecting the stomach and bowels.
I even found a simple recipe for a home remedy which includes:
1/2 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice
1 teaspoon of fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon of fresh mint juice
1 Tablespoon of honey
Mix all the above together and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting, indigestion caused by eating heavy non-vegetarian or fried fatty foods, morning sickness, or jaundice.
Apparently, ginger is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds and when ginger juice is mixed with honey can be taken 3 to 4 times a day for coughs. It is
also an excellent pain killer and ginger juice can be used in the ear to stop an earache or by rubbing dry ginger power with a little water to form a paste
can be applied to the forehead to stop a headache or to the outside of the jaw to stop a toothache (I'm not sure I believe these last two.) Anyway, I'm
getting away from my original topic.
I do think that I have discovered some things about Ginger Ale and why it always makes my stomach feel better when I drink some. By the way, I prefer
Schwepps Ginger Ale which is also caffeine free (actually I think they all are). I have tried several types and brands of Ginger Ale and just prefer the Schwepps better. Besides, unlike some like Vernon's which is only available in certain areas of the country, Schwepps is available everywhere.
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