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Arnica Montana Health Benefits

Arnica Montana is a herb which has been used from the oldest of times to cure wounds. Starting in the 16th century this herb has been used In North America, Germany and Russia due to its anti-inflammatory and calming effects. It should not be confused with Arnica Chamissonis, which is not a medicinal herb, but a decorative one.
The active compounds contained by arnica are its volatile oil, carotenoids, flavornoids, and triterpenic alcohol. Its roots contain volatile oil (0.5 – 1.5 %), caffeic acid, inuline, thymol, and saccharose.
Arnica has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, decongestive and antifungal properties. It also stimulates the forming the granular tissues and thus accelerating the healing process. It eliminates micro-organisms and keeps bacteria and pathogenic funguses from multiplying. The arnica flowers are used for treating the pale face skin complexion, wounds, bruises and burns. It should be noted however that the arnica flowers are not harmless because the arnica tincture can be an irritant when applied locally on skin or even internally in small doses can provoke gastro-enteritis or the paralysis of central nerve system. Other medicinal uses of this herb involve the treatment of bruises, dislocations, bacterial infections, skin cancer, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, flu, lung virosis, cystitis, nephritis, kidney infections, coronary insufficiencies, hypertension, breastplate angina, cerebral trauma, headaches, paresis, semiparesis, insomnia, heart palpitations, nightmares, night terrors, moral depressions, neurosis, hysteria etc.
The mixtures from arnica are the following:
- Tincture – recommended in cases of trauma, sprains, and wounds by applying a compress on the affected area.
- Oil;
- Powder;
- Ointments based on arnica and black bryony – have the same usages as the other products containing arnica. Arnica creams are renowned for their ability of treating acne.


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